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Vision Therapy
for All Ages

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Vision Therapy & ADD/ADHD/Dyslexia 

Undetected Vision Problems


Sports & Vision

Eye Training for Athletes

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Welcome to Vision Development Institute in Pittsburgh, PA

DR 72753710 learning disabilities
We invite you to call our office at 412-731-5007 with any questions, or to see how we may help you or a loved one.

Light heals. Vision is vital. Our goal is to put your problems behind you while helping you develop your upmost potential. Our independent program offers a unique blend of vision, light, and cognitive therapy. We offer a diagnosis, a plan, and a future.

We believe vision can improve and you along with it. We treat all ages from infants to seniors. Most seek our services for reading, learning, concussions, dizziness, headaches, and eye strain. Anecdotally, patients often report improvements in balance, sleep, allergies, and digestive disorders. Vision is an important part of our overall functioning that can change how we feel and what we can do. “Eyes OK, you’re OK” is our motto. At the end of our evaluation we strive to offer you an individual treatment plan for recovery or other referral suggestions.

Independent Vision Therapy Clinic


We will offer you several recommendations to consider. As we do not endorse any specific insurance, we are free from the many impersonal insurance restrictions.


Therapy to develop visualization and visual-logic important for memory, spelling, word attack, reading comprehension, math, eye contact, socialization, and critical thinking.

Syntonics is the optometric art of applying specific color frequencies incident upon the eye to restore or enhance certain physiological processes relative to the patient needs.

Vision Therapy Specialist

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Detect and Treat Vision Problems that Cause Struggling & Underachievement

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Effective Eye Therapy for All Types of Special Needs, e.g. ADHD, Autism...

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Doctor-supervised Eye Therapy, Eye Exercises and Vision Rehabilitation

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Successful Treatment at Any Age without Surgery or Eye Patching!

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Treatment for Physical & Cognitive Issues caused by Traumatic Brain Injury

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Vision Exams, Lenses, Specialty vision Care, Pediatric eye Care, Special Needs, etc.

FAQ with Dr. Hans F. Lessmann...

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is an individualized treatment plan prescribed by a Doctor of Optometry. It is used to treat eye conditions, such as strabismus (eye turn) or amblyopia (“lazy eye”). Through Vision Therapy, a Doctor of Optometry also teaches, improves and/or reinforces important visual skills, such as eye tracking, eye focusing and eye teaming abilities. Without these visual skills, simple tasks like reading or copying notes from the board become difficult. Skipping words or lines while reading, using a finger while reading, blurry near vision, double vision, eyestrain and/or eye fatigue are also common symptoms.

How do I know Vision Therapy is right for my child?

If your child displays symptoms of strabismus (eye turn), amblyopia (“lazy eye”), skipping words or lines while reading, using a finger while reading, blurry near vision, double vision, eyestrain and/or eye fatigue, it is suggested your child has a complete eye exam from a Doctor of Optometry. If symptoms persist or the Doctor of Optometry recommends Vision Therapy, then a Vision Therapy assessment is the next step. The doctor will perform a thorough one-on-one assessment and will determine which conditions are present, whether Vision Therapy is suitable, the type of eye exercises required and the number of sessions needed.

Why is my child having trouble reading and concentrating on schoolwork?

Your child may have an underlying refractive issue, such as farsightedness, nearsightedness or an astigmatism that maybe be causing blurred vision, thus making it hard for your child to concentrate and focus. There may also binocular issues, which is how well the two eyes work together, and focusing issues, that may affect a child's schoolwork. When working with your child, we will evaluate the child's visual system including their binocular systems and accommodative systems to determine if his/her vision may be playing a role in their academic performance or sports performance.

Dr. Hans F. Lessmann O. D., FOVDR

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Vision Development Institute, P.C.

1789 S. Braddock Ave., Suite 130
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
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  • 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • By Appointment
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